Porterhouse steak (Image: Ben & Jack’s)

The last word in the headline is not a typo for prepared. As weird as it sounds, printing may be the way to go with steak and other food prep, according to a report at Memphis CBS affiliate WREG.

The process involves using a 3-D printer and edible “ink.” The result is a steak made out of vegetable protein, which means it’s not only not a steak but fits into a vegan diet. Here’s a video of a “steak” being printed and cooked. Looks yummy, no?

Remarkably, this is not the first 3-D printed steak. According to Dezeen, in late 2018, Italian bioengineer Giuseppe independently came up with the technology for printing a meat-free steak, which reportedly “mimics the texture of beef.”

Vegan ingredients such as rice, peas and seaweed, which provide the amino acids needed for a healthy diet, are turned into a food paste that is 3D-printed to form a raw, steak-like substance.

Despite an abundance of meat-free products already on the market that taste similar to animal meats, Scionti found that these are limited to imitation burgers, chicken nuggets or meatballs. None of the offerings reproduce a piece of “fibrous flesh” such as steak or chicken breast.

Tempting as this all sounds, I can’t imagine that Ben & Jack’s or any of the other classic New York steak emporia are in fear of the competition or will be trading in their slabs of red meat for a 3-D printer.