I know, I know. The headline looks like the sort of thing you used to see on subway fliers that advertised “sex” in giant letters, only to be followed with “Now that we’ve got your attention…”
But this is on the up-and-up. Cadbury, makers of decent if not great chocolate, needs tasters. If you are accepted for the position, which is part-time (8 hours a week), you will be paid $14 a hour and plied with plenty of the dark sweet stuff. No experience is required: just a love of chocolate.
The job search is being moderated through Mondelēz International, whose motto is “Snacking made right.” You can apply here.
You’re probably anticipating that there is a catch … and there is: two of them actually. First of all, the response, which has been picked up by Fox News and other media outlets, has been overwhelming. I mean, who wouldn’t want that job?
The second catch is that the tasting is to take place in Wokingham, England.