Does this sound familiar? You and two or three coworkers are headed out to lunch when the question of where to eat comes up, followed by the inevitable roadblocks. “We had Chinese on Monday” or “I’m sick of Mexican food” or “Thai food again?”
What you need when you and your friends can’t agree on where to eat is a place that caters to all palates. What you need is Eat Offbeat. Eat Offbeat, which opened earlier this month, brings together dishes from a multitude of world cuisines, all in a single location.
The consortium of chefs behind Eat Offbeat, all of them refugees of other countries, have been together since 2015 when they launched a catering business. When the pandemic broke out, they switched to selling meal kits. Now they are feeding hungry New Yorkers out of a storefront in Chelsea Market.
True to the name, the blend of cuisines the restaurant offers is eclectic, with one of the eight chefs hailing from Sri Lanka, another from Senegal, yet another from Myanmar, and so on. Think of it as home cooking — from someone else’s home.
Eat Offbeat, Chelsea Market, Main Concourse, 75 Ninth Avenue (at 15th Street), eatoffbeat.com.