Here’s hoping the trend continues. Last week, Krispy Kreme announced that it was giving away free donuts to all comers who could provide proof of a COVID vaccine injection. Now Junior’s is getting in on the action. Starting this coming Monday, March 29, the Brooklyn institution, whose cheesecakes have achieved a fame that surpasses even that of the legendary Lindy’s, will be offering “a free cupcake-sized version of its renowned taste treat to any customer with a COVID-19 vaccination record card,” New York’s Daily News reports.
I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but a cupcake-sized Junior’s cheesecake is like a little bit of love.
To add insult to injury, the promotion is good only through Memorial Day. Krispy Kreme is continuing their through the end of the year.
Anyway that’s enough complaining for one post.
Wake me when Peter Luger announces it is giving a free porterhouse to anyone receiving the shot.
See also…
Get Vaccinated for COVID, and Get Free Donuts Throughout the Year