It was back in November 2021 that our own Margaret Whitfield lamented the end of $1-a-slice pizza in New York. But it turns out that Margaret’s report on the death of $1-a-slice pie was greatly exaggerated.
On Monday, EV Grieve broke the news that one of the few remaining holdouts, 2 Bros. Pizza, with seven locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, was giving up the good fight, raising its price from $1 to $1.50 per slice at its flagship store on St. Mark’s Place between Second and Third Avenues.
But a few sentences later, Grieve sounded a note of optimism:
While most budget EV slice shops are charging $1.50 now, there is an outlier with the pending arrival of a new 99-cent joint on 14th Street.
If there is a moral in this it is (with apologies to Justin Bieber) to never say never.
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