Curiouser and curiouser. Collab Fever’s vise-like grip on the world of food is showing no signs of letting up. The latest invention — which “combines two Ohio favorites,” according to a New York Post write-up — is such an easy mark really that the masters of the collaboverse should lose points for not having come up with it sooner.
Repeat after me: Skyline Spice-flavored Graeter’s ice cream. That’s Skyline chili spice in case you’re wondering, which you should be in the event you’ve never heard of Skyline Chili. (You can find a primer here.)
A press release from Graeter’s instructs where to go nationwide to purchase the limited-edition flavor, but if you’re based in New York, you might be able to beat the rush by making a beeline to Edward’s, a restaurant in Tribeca that features an all-Cincinnati menu the last Monday of every month.
Note: The ice cream also includes oyster crackers, but now we’re dangerously close to committing spoiler alerts.
See also…
- Steak Frites Bistro Is Now Serving Lunch; Skyline Chili Hiding in Plain Sight
- Hidden Valley Ranch Collaborates with an Unexpected Partner; BOGO Wednesdays at 16 Handles
- Join Eggo for Breakfast and Sample Its New Line of Flavored Coffees
- Museum of Ice Cream x Ess-A-Bagel
- Veselka x Katz’s Delicatessen