The coveted “World’s 50 Best Restaurants” list for 2023 was released this week, and two New York restaurants made the cut. One was the veteran seafood restaurant Le Bernardin, which came in at number 44. But it’s the second selection that is getting all the press. That’s because the restaurant, Atomix, operates out of a 14-seat basement counter located on the edge of Koreatown and was named the tenth best in the world.
The committee that chooses the entrants on the list seemed almost surprised by their own selection, writing, “This is a restaurant in the ascendancy in every way, sailing into the top 10 of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants by rising 25 spots since last year and earning the Villa Massa Highest Climber Award 2023. What’s more, it has leapfrogged its continental rivals to be ranked The Best Restaurant in North America.”
Atomix’s stock in trade is a 12-course tasting menu of Korean-based but extremely original plates. The current menu includes horse mackerel with monkfish liver and a cookie made from the traditional Korean fermentation starter nuruk; sea urchin with steamed carrot cake (a theme appears to be emerging), and rice ice cream with the sweet rice syrup jocheong and honey comb.
As you may have guessed, a seat at that counter is virtually impossible to come by.
Atomix, 104 E. 30th Street.