It all began with a claim at Reddit by a disgruntled Oreo eater, who accused the company of false advertising, alleging there was less filling in the famous sandwich cookie. “Not only have oreos gotten thinner,” the writer asserted. “Now they retracted the creme diameter too.”
As other fans of the product began voicing their dissatisfaction, accusing the company of bowing to stagflation, the noise level in cyberspace increased. Ultimately, the story was picked up by the Wall Street Journal, which wrote:
Oreo fans … have been perturbed by what some feel could be one of the biggest inflation scandals to hit supermarkets to date: ‘Double Stuf’ Oreos with just a normal amount of creme, and even less in the original-sized versions. Some gripe that the filling no longer reaches the wafers’ edges. Others say the cookies now bear little resemblance to the creme-stuffed images on Oreo’s packaging.
Mondelēz International, the company that makes the cookies, admits it “has used a variety of strategies in recent years to combat higher costs for ingredients.” But it denies that tinkering with the size of the cookie or the amount of filling has been among them.
In the meantime, fans of Oreos, whose numbers are legion, are talking about mounting a class action suit against the company.
Stay tuned.
See also…
How Serious Are Oreo Lovers About Their Beloved Cookie’? This Serious