When sliced bread made its appearance in 1928, it was hailed as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.” Now another food product is about to take its place on store shelves. It, too will arrive pre-sliced, though it’s not a food one ordinary thinks of as coming sliced.
It is ketchup. Yes, you read that right. The product is available through Bo’s Fine Foods and will be marketed under the label “Slice of Sauce,” which perhaps augurs the presence of sliced béarnaise and sliced Mornay on future pantry shelves.
Slice of Sauce cofounders Emily Williams and Thac Lecong launched their campaign on Kickstarter with an eye toward sparing ketchup lovers the inevitable watery prelude that adorns your plate following the first squeeze of ketchup from the squeeze bottle.
Williams and Lecong were initially seeking $15,000 from investors, but have since accumulated 180% of their goal.
The product, which is aiming for a June delivery date, will come eight slices to a package, separated by cellophane, much like Kraft singles. The sliced ketchup will be shelf stable; no refrigeration is necessary.
Imagine: It won’t be long now before someone at your table requests, “Please pass a slice of ketchup.”