Credit: Cartwright Maple Tree Inn

How far would you travel for an all-you-can-eat stack of buckwheat pancakes? If you’re willing to journey 312 miles from New York City, then a close encounter with the Maple Tree Inn‘s legendary pancakes may be in your future, but you better get packing now: You have only until mid-April before the restaurant closes for maple season, remaining shuttered until the following February.

The fact that the restaurant stays open a mere three months of the year should not be taken as an indictment of what they are doing wrong. On the contrary, the Maple Tree Inn draws customers from as far away as Europe and Asia and feeds as many as 1,200 hungry visitors a day.

Pancakes are the restaurant’s main stock in trade, and you can have yours neat or with a side, such as an egg, ham, or sausage. A section of the menu titled “Not in the Mood for Pancakes?” offers three burger variations, though it’s hard to imagine anyone would come all this way and not order the house’s fabled pancakes slathered with pure maple syrup (not to be confused with table syrup from which it is light-years apart).

Cartwright Maple Tree Inn, 4321 County Road 15A, Angelica, NY 14709.