With 23,600 restaurants in total, New York City can’t exactly be faulted for offering too little variety when it comes to selecting a restaurant. Yet, undeniably, certain cuisines get less representation than others. After all, how many Sri Lankan restaurants can you name?
The same is true of Colombian restaurants except that on June 3, the number will increase by one. On that date El Cartel is slated to open in Hell’s Kitchen. Non-initiates will be acquainted with the likes of chuzos, a Colombian street food consisting of pork and chicken skewers served with mini versions of the ground-maize cakes arepas (arepitas). Tostones are formed into cups filled with octopus, chicken, or steak.
El Cartel, 613 Ninth Avenue (bet. 43rd and 44th Sts.), 212-540-6613.