Did you notice the apparent typographical error in the title of this post? The seeming mistake — the repetition of the word new — was quite intentional. As noted last year in this space, a new Jewish consciousness — an embrace of Jewish culture by young Jews and non-Jews alike — is taking root in our country.
Manischewitz, a leading producer of kosher foods for over 130 years, is a major player in that movement, offering a fresh look and exciting new products just in time for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. The company’s updated product line strives to reach a broader demographic, including younger and growing families.
The new Manischewitz lineup this year includes a host of frozen foods, ready to be heated and served by the home cook on the go. Choose from ready-to-eat frozen matzo balls, potato knishes (both classic and mini), and blintzes (available in cheese, blueberry, and potato). Frozen bakery items will also be offered, among them fresh-tasting challah, delectable chocolate babka, and chocolate rugelach, all as good nearly as if Bubby had made them.

When shopping for rebranded Manischewitz products, look for the the new in-store displays featuring refreshed graphics and colors. They will help you instantly find what you are looking for.
Be sure also to check out Manischewitz’s updated website. There you will find delicious new recipes adapted to the tastes and dietary needs of the modern consumer. You’ll also find a comprehensive list of the company’s products and even links to merch containing “Yiddishisms” that reflect the brand’s heritage.