I don’t know that anyone has ever sampled a fresh batch of eggnog and opined, “needs more mayonnaise.” But beginning this year, you’ll have the chance to find out. Hellmann’s, the mayo folks, have partnered with Muddling Memories, a Brooklyn hospitality group specializing in cocktails, to develop a recipe for “mayo-nog” — a frozen drink that calls for, among other ingredients, a quarter cup of Hellmann’s mayo. There’s also 3 ounces of whole milk, 3 more of heavy cream, and another 3 of simple syrup in there, along with rum, apple brandy, and cognac. By the time you add the spices (nutmeg and cinnamon), vanilla, and cup of ice to your blender jar, I suspect the mayo will have been relegated to the distant background.
You can find the recipe here, though the page remains visible only for a second or two before it reverts to Muddling Memories’ Instagram home page. I tried it several times and got the same result each time.
If you’re determined to try mayo-nog, Amy Fontaine’s, a bar and restaurant in midtown, will be featuring the concoction. Amy Fontaine’s, 922 Third Avenue (bet. 55th and 56th Sts.), 917-261-7644.
(h/t The Takeout)