There is no stopping progress, nor should there be any desire to. Even so, as high technology grows ever higher, and computers, cell phones, and other electronic gadgets become increasingly smarter and more powerful, you wouldn’t be faulted if you yearned for simpler times.

One such yearning that first impacted the New York dining scene in 2007 inspired the return of the “Sunday supper,” a communal meal served family style. For many of us, the nostalgia for Sunday supper is of necessity vicarious. I, for one, grew up in a household where Sunday meals were taken in front of the TVs (yes, plural), each broadcasting a different NFL game.

But I digress. Sunday supper is here — to stay, one hopes. In fact, a new contender has emerged. It is The Shakespeare, a British gastropub situated in the William Hotel (where else would you find Shakespeare?), and on Sundays, beginning tomorrow, Sept. 17, you and yours can sit down to a traditional Sunday roast.

No, this is not the kind of roast where diners each take turns ragging on a pre-selected victim. It’s a real roast, the edible kind.

At The Shakespeare there are three meats to choose from: roast beef, roast pork, and roast chicken. There is even a nut roast for those in your company who have forsworn eating animal flesh.

The dinner, which runs from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. includes roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, seasonal vegetables, and customary condiments. The cost is a pre-infationary $25 per person. For an extra $5, you can finish on a sweet note with a serving of treacle tart and double cream. Go ahead, you deserve it!

The Shakespeare at the William, 24 E. 39th Street, bet. Madison Ave. and Park Avenue South, 646-837-6779.