47 Avenue B (Image: Google Maps)

Things happen fast in the East Village. In late June EV Grieve reported that Lamia’s Fish Market at 47 Avenue B had “temporarily closed for maintenance.” A reddit post published soon after noted that the restaurant had permanently closed and that its staff had already landed new jobs. By the end of August, Yelpers confirmed Lamia’s demise.

Which brings us current. The scuttlebutt has it that a new moderately priced seafood restaurant (working title: Neptune’s Table) will be moving into the location vacated by Lamia’s at a point TBD.

According to an application for a liquor license filed with Community Board 3, the restaurant will be licensed to Fisherman Hospitality Group, and its principal owner — Dominique Christopher — has credentials in the New York area.

A sample menu provided to Community Board 3 contains mostly fish house standbys at a fair price point. Crab cakes (listed under “Small Bites”) go for $15, tuna tartare for $20, and beer battered fish tacos for $15. A subcategory titled “Caribbean Flavors” offers island fare such as conch fritters and jerk shrimp skewers. Its inclusion appears to hark back to one of Christopher’s previous jobs as restaurant manager of the Sunscape Resort in Montego Bay.