Them’s is fightin’ words.
Look, I’m the first person to admit that New Haven has good pizza — or, more correctly speaking, apizza. But if you happen to be driving north on I-95 or I-84 and chance upon the above road sign as you enter Connecticut, chances are you are going to feel the urge to punch someone. Maybe Ned Lamont, the state’s governor, who said in a press release:
These new signs are not just markers on our highways, they are a reflection of what makes Connecticut special. We want everyone entering our state to immediately feel proud of what we do well here, whether it’s making the nation’s best pizza, world class meals, national championships, or the most complex machines in the world. Each sign is an invitation to experience all that we have to offer as one of the best states to live, work, and play.
Yeah, this is just the guy you want to hit. Those other categories he boasts about — national championships and most complex machines in the world — are references to other signs that have been posted on the state’s highways.
Needless to say, the signs have engendered plenty of hard feelings and caustic reactions on social media from Connecticut’s neighboring states — especially New York. One commenter wrote, “‘Connecticut?’ That’s a weird way of spelling ‘New York.'”
Another chimed in with “How about a sign that says ‘the most expensive place to live in the United States’.”
Not all of the opinions came down in favor of New York, by the way. One dissident wrote, “NJ has the best pizza hands down. New Yorkers know it, Philadelphians know it.”
But that’s a fight for another day.
See also…