Image: YouTube screen grab

Over the weekend AppleEats reported on a restaurant that was dealing with the problems imposed by enforced social distancing by seating mannequins at tables throughout the dining room.

Today I’m here to tell you about a shore eatery that has come up with a less creepy way of separating customers. Fish Tales, a seafood market and restaurant located in Ocean City, Md., is requiring that its patrons dine at (wear?) “bumper tables.” Designed with a hole in the middle and a large inner tube around the outside, the tables make it impossible for diners to get within 6 feet of other patrons. The tables have wheeled structures reminiscent of walkers for maneuvering.

The idea seems inventive though it doesn’t make for the most intimate of dining experiences if you’re on a date. Then again if your idea of a big night out on the town includes dining at a super-casual eatery like this, you may have bigger problems than this.

See also…

Three-Star Restaurant Rises — Or Is It Sinks? — to the Challenge of Social Distancing