No, that’s not a musical act but an oyster vendor who goes by the name The Real MotherShuckers. All summer long, RMS will be peddling their wares from a bicycle cart parked in front of Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
The prices are positively pre-inflationary: Blue Points are $3 apiece, $15 for half a dozen, while Cortes Islands are $4 apiece, $20 for half a dozen. Oysters may be had three different ways: Classic (with parsley, shallots, cocktail sauce, and mignonette), Sushi (with cucumber, seaweed, ponzu, and wasabi), or Candy Apple (with apple, horseradish, yuzu, hot sauce, and mirin). Memo to RMS: How about bringing along a peppermill and lemon wedges for the purists out there?
One nifty bonus to ordering from RMS is that they collect the spent shells and donate them to the Billion Oyster Project — a nonprofit whose goal is to restore the oyster population of New York Harbor to a billion by 2035 by recycling the used shells to rebuild the reefs. That’s a win-win situation where we come from. (h/t I love the Upper West Side)