Considering that for so many years Mexican restaurants in New York have hewed to the same meat-centric formula, it was easy to lose sight of the fact that Mexico boasts 7,000 miles of coastline. Now comes a reminder in the form of El Fish Marisqueria, a restaurant that — except for two steak platters — trades exclusively in fresh seafood.
The restaurant, slated to open this coming Thursday, Feb. 2, on Amsterdam Avenue at 67th Street, is the latest from restaurateur Louis Skibar, who has opened 18 restaurants in the city over the past 30 years, including the upscale Toloache.
El Fish will boast an extensive raw bar and an assortment of dishes that at times bridge multiple cultures, such as swordfish schnitzel served with a avocado-jalapeño Israeli salad and mashed sweet plantains. El Fish Marisqueria, 155 Amsterdam Avenue (at 67th St.).