At the rate the Sugarfish Sushi family of omakase restaurants is replicating, you shouldn’t be surprised if you wake up one morning and find one in your living room.
The latest iteration opened this week in the shadow of the Museum of Natural History. True to the chain’s credo, prices are gentle: $28 to $76 for lunch, and $32 to $76 for dinner. Factor in the house’s tipping policy (gratuities are not accepted) and the generally high quality of the food, and you begin to understand Sugarfish’s popularity. You also begin to understand why the wait for a table can last upward of two hours on weekends. And, no, the restaurant doesn’t take reservations.
If you visit during the week you should be fine.
Sugarfish Sushi, 207 W. 75th Street (bet. Broadway and Amsterdam), 646-974-1408.
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