You gotta love it — a restaurant that feels your pain on Black Friday, a day when New York’s retail outlets are mobbed with bargain hunters. What better way to wind down amid the madness than by treating yourself to lunch or dinner at Sagaponack, which pays homage to the beleaguered shopper by marking down its own prices?
One of the restaurant’s specialties is oysters, and on Black Friday you can enjoy Wellfleets for a buck apiece. Or a dozen raw oysters from three different regions of the country, usually priced at $51, for $35 dollars. If you prefer your oysters clothed, you can order a trio of dressed oysters — topped with the likes of Adamas Siberian caviar and buttermilk — for $21, marked down from its regular price of $25. Or all four of the intriguing roasted oyster combos listed on the menu for $18 instead of the normal $22.
Sagaponack, 4 W. 22nd Street, 212-229-2226.