Move over, turducken! Brooklyn bakery Four & Twenty Blackbirds has come up with its own holiday mash-up that celebrates the foods of the traditional Thanksgiving feast. Meet the Pecan ThanksEverything Pie, all the courses of a traditional Turkey Day dinner baked into a pie.
Yes, I know the thought of combining all of your holiday favorites into a single bite sounds kind of disgusting. But that’s not how the Pecan ThanksEverything Pie rolls. Each of the eight slices represents — and is comprised of the ingredients of — a different course. The only ingredient common to all the courses is pecans. The rotation is shown below:
Questions abound. For example, who chooses who gets which slice? Most importantly, which guest at your holiday table gets the single slice of dessert pie? And here you thought the question of deciding who gets the drumsticks was a tough one.
Should you want to purchase a Pecan ThanksEverything Pie, on Friday, Nov. 15, Four & Twenty Blackbirds will sell a limited number of the curiosities at its flagship location in Gowanus Brooklyn. The pies will run $42 each while supplies last, and half of the proceeds will be donated to Community Help in Park Slope, Inc. (CHiPS), a local nonprofit soup kitchen and women’s shelter.
Four & Twenty Blackbirds, 439 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, 718-499-2917.