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What, you’re probably wondering, does pizza have to do with the unprovoked and unwarranted war on Ukraine and its people by Russia? The answer is provided in part by the above image of a pie in the shape of a heart and bearing the colors of the Ukrainian flag. It is the creation of Tony Boloney’s, a New Jersey institution known for its unusual variation on the pizza theme, which include chicken and waffles pizza and taco pizza.

Image: Tony Baloney’s

Owner Mike Hauke was inspired to create this pie by the haunting images of death and destruction coming out of Ukraine. These summoned up memories of his late Polish-Russian grandmother. “I kept thinking what if that was Minga trying to make cookies or pierogis for her grandkids, but she can’t because it’s … raining bombs outside,” he told the New York Post.

The “I [Heart] Ukraine” pizzas are available through Goldbelly at $99 for a pair. Currently, they are sold out, though you can add your email address to a waiting list. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to the World Central Kitchen and its operations in Ukraine.

Tony Boloney’s has branches in Jersey City, Atlantic City, Hoboken, and Long Branch.