Build it and they will come — and strip down to their altogether. And eat.
That was the lesson the owners of The Bunyadi, in London, took away soon after opening their first all-nude restaurant. The response was so overwhelmingly positive that the waiting list for a table is currently 30,000 names strong — all belonging to people eager for a chance to dine in the buff.
Now, The Bunyadi’s owner, Seb Lyall, is set to take a shot at replicating his success in Gay Paree. Lyall told The Independent:
It’s early stages but we are aiming for … October. We’ve learnt a lot from London — mostly positive.
The French expressed a lot of interest in the London restuarant [sic] so I thought I was onto something. They told me, ‘This is a great idea but only you can do it.’
The 60,000-Euro question is whether the French, who are perhaps more gastronomically inclined than the Brits, will be down with dining on mostly raw food. That’s what The Bunyadi specializes in.
Then again, there may be an advantage to dining on raw food, even for Parisians. As an illustration, imagine spilling hot soup on your lap when the only thing covering it is a flimsy napkin.
The Independent articles notes that nude dining is catching on, adding that bare-all eateries are opening in Japan and Australia. No mention of whether the U.S. is destined to get its own “raw bar.” Which raises a tantalizing question: If a nude restaurant opened in your city, would you be willing to try it out?