Following up on our previous pricey gift guide, here are some more down-to-earth suggestions for food lovers in your life who have been nicer than naughty. (We are realists here.) Let’s get started.
What are the chances you know someone who (1) enjoys a soft-boiled egg most (or many) mornings and (2) is a devotée of Arthurian legend? If your answer is not less-than-5%, consider this King Arthur egg cup, from Animi Causa. Imagine waking up to your three-minute egg standing at attention inside the visor of a knight errant. The lance even doubles as a spoon.
If this gift idea has possibilities for you, you’ll be delighted to know that it’s been marked down from $15.95 to $12.99 and includes free next-day shipping.
If it’s sweets you want for your sweet, but with a touch of refinement, think champagne bubbles, from Sugarfina, an array of tiny white nonpareils, each secreting a bursts of the flavor of fine champagne. Let me repeat that. These unusual gummies are infused with the flavor of the bubbly, not the bubbly itself. (They candies are strictly non-alcoholic.)
If you would like to personalize these, there is custom page that provides information. If you want to go instead for the straight unembellished item, a small cube of the champagne bubbles runs $7.50, a large cube $18.
Let’s try a different hypothetical. You’re at the airport or out camping or somewhere else where the only available salt is housed in a shaker and is probably Morton’s iodized. What do you do? If you’ve received a two-pack of pure sea salt slide tins from Jacobsen Salt Co., you smile and get busy seasoning.
Each tin contains a special blend of pure sea salt: perfect for everyday use or finishing a dish. A two-pack will set you back $5.
If you’re up on your food trends, you’re aware that salt and chocolate (or caramel) is all the rage. But what do you do if your gift recipient is someone who instead likes it hot? Why you buy that person a tin of Tabasco spicy dark chocolate wedges available via Amazon.
Each wedge promises a bite of velvety smooth dark chocolate with a Tabasco “kick.”
A 50-gram tin will cost you $6.99.