No, this is not another example of government stifling free enterprise or public outrage over tasteless labeling. Quite the opposite. Mitchell Brewing Company, makers of a beer named for the terrorist kingpin behind the attacks of 9/11, was forced to take the initiative and temporarily take down their website after demand for the product on social media overwhelmed the brewery.
“We’ve woken up the last couple of mornings with thousands and thousands and thousands of notifications,” Luke Mitchell, owner of the British company told the BBC, adding, “It’s been crazy. The phone just hasn’t stopped for the last 48 hours.”
The lager is just one of several products with names modeled on those of bad actors past and present. Mitchell also brews Kim Jong Ale and Putin Porter. Most of the label depictions are cartoonish caricatures.
If there is one problem with the labels, it is that not everyone gets the joke. The Telegraph reports that Osama bin Laden has risen to the status of hero among Gen Zers swayed by anti-American, pro-Islamist terrorist propaganda.
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