First there was deconstruction: taking a well-known dish and dissecting it into its component parts as an alternate presentation. But jaded palates are sated only for a season before it’s time for the next trend. Meet reconstruction — taking a well-known dish and replacing one of its component parts with something new and unexpected. An example might be cheesecake made with goat cheese. (Don’t knock it: We’ve tried it, and in the right hands it can be delicious.)
We recently learned of another example: Enchiladas (or burritos) in which discs of cheese take the place of conventional flour tortillas. This is one of a number of serving suggestions courtesy of the makers of Folios™ Cheese Wraps, whose name pretty much tells all. The circles, measuring 7 inches in diameter, are a perfect solution for the carb-conscious wrap lover. The wraps provide only 1 gram of carbohydrate per serving. They are also gluten-free, should that be a concern.

Perhaps the application of the wraps that will most appeal to the more inventive home cook is as crisps. When baked briefly in a moderate oven, the product becomes delightfully crunchy. They are also briefly malleable when they first emerge from the oven and can be shaped into fanciful bowls for salsa, hard tacos, chips, and the like.

Which brings us to taste. Our ten tasters leaned heavily toward the baked version, which seemed far more versatile and pleasing to the palate. As tortilla replacements straight from the package, the discs struck 4 of the ten tasters as slightly clammy.
Folios™ Cheese Wraps come in three flavors: Cheddar, Jarlsberg, and Parmesan. The wraps are available online at retailers nationwide in a 4-count pack. The suggested retail price per pack is $5.99.