The first thing you should know about Chocobar Cortés is that it’s not a pale imitation of Marble Dessert Bar in the Village, which serves a four-course tasting menu comprised exclusively of sweets. To the contrary, Chocobar Cortés, scheduled to open Friday in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, is a full-service restaurant. The menu includes but is not limited to desserts.
What sets the place apart from other New York restaurants is that almost everything that comes out of the kitchen is made with chocolate. Dark chocolate is one of the ingredients in the ham croquettes, and a grilled cheese on brioche is smeared with chocolate butter. Even a tossed salad is moistened with a chocolate vinaigrette.
Chocobar Cortés is a sister to a synonymously named restaurant in Puerto Rico that, according to the New York Times, was USA Today’s top Caribbean restaurant in 2017 and one of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s first stops when she visited San Juan in November.
See also…
Dessert Bar Offering Four-Course Dessert Extravaganza Coming This Fall