Little has changed since Tim Gilberto wrote about the 2022 edition of the Egg Rolls, Egg Creams, and Empanadas Festival. The date and time have changed, though the location — outside the Museum at Eldridge Street, which is again sponsoring the event — remains the same.
So do the victuals, which are the three items celebrated in the festival’s name, and the three diverse cultures — Chinese Jewish, and Puerto Rican — that introduced them to New York in the early years of the twentieth century.
The event, which is free, will take place this coming Sunday, June 16 between noon and 4 p.m. There will be music, dance, crafts, and cultural practices. Egg rolls, egg creams, and empanadas will of course be available for purchase.
Museum at Eldridge Street, 12 Eldridge Street (bet. Canal St. and Division St.), 212-219-0302)
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