It’s called “aversive therapy,” and it was dreamed up the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was a Russian known primarily for his work in classical conditioning.
Aversive therapy is the mechanism behind a new bracelet that emits a 350-volt jolt to the wearer every time he succumbs to a temptation he craving he seeks to break. Aversive therapy has helped people overcome addictions to smoking, drinking, nail biting, gambling, and even swearing. The commercial name of the bracelet is Pavlok (get it?), and you may have seen a segment on it on “Shark Tank.”
But how does this all relate to the title? To put it simply, if you can’t pass a Burger King or McDonald’s without stopping for a burger and fries, you may have an addiction. If you do, you’re not alone. The CDC reports that 84.8 million U.S. adults consume fast food every day.
“On any given day in the United States, an estimated 36.6 percent or approximately 84.8 million adults consume fast food,” said Cheryl Fryar, first author of the report and a health statistician at the CDC.
“We focused on fast food for this report because fast food has played an important role in the American diet in recent decades,” she said. “Fast food has been associated with poor diet and increased risk of obesity.”
A Pavok doesn’t come cheaply. The item sells online for $199.99. But if you’re hooked on Whoppers, you may want to invest in one.