With apologies to Capital One, I’d like to ask a critical question: What’s in your kitchen? If your answer was not All-Clad or a comparable brand that bonds aluminum and stainless steel into a single, fully clad cooking vessel, then you are doing yourself — and those you cook for — a grave disservice.
Yes, professional-grade cookware is more expensive, but the benefits are undeniable. For one thing, All-Clad guarantees its pots and pans for life. If one has a defect or develops a problem, the company will replace it free of charge — and even pay for the postage.
If this sounds like a paid commercial, it is not. It is, rather, the testimonial of an extremely satisfied customer who has been outfitting her kitchen with All-Clad products for the past 20 years.
If you’d like to learn more from a professional chef and sample delights prepared in All-Clad cookware, then mark Dec. 2, this coming Saturday, on your calendar. Bloomingdale’s, which was the first department store to carry All-Clad, is presenting an afternoon with Michelin Star Chef April Bloomfield, owner and executive chef of The Spotted Pig and Salvation Taco. The event is free, and include tastings of Bloomfield’s creations.
With any purchase of All-Clad equipment, you will receive a Stainless Steel Slotted Spoon. For purchases of $500 or more, you’ll receive a stainless steel All Clad Petite Roaster.
The event is scheduled to run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and will take place in the store’s demo kitchen in Housewares on 8. You can register for the event here.
Bloomingdale’s, 1000 Third Avenue, at 59th St.