Rum has never achieved the cachet of some other spirits in this country, which is not to say rum doesn’t have a following. In 2022, Americans consumed around 23.3 million cases of rum, and the sale of the spirit reached $9 billion. And New York City is one of the largest rum-drinking markets in the U.S.
But why take my word for it when you can see for yourself by dropping in on the New York Rum Festival & Conference in Greenpoint, Brooklyn? Hosted by TheRumLab, the boutique-style event will take place on June 8 at the event space located at 100 Sutton Street.
As the word conference in the name suggests, the festival is about more than just tasting rum, though there will be many chances to do that, with 160 unique brands on hand. The festival highlights rum education and explores the latest trends in the world of rum.
Tickets, which range in price from $40 to $200, may be purchased here.
New York Rum Festival & Conference, 100 Sutton Street, Brooklyn.