Halloween may be marketed as a holiday for kids, but it has an adult side, too. And how better to entertain your friends who are too old to trick or treat than with a steamy plate of Bones of 100 Chickens or a generous slice of William’s Wormy Bed Dirt Cake?
These are just two of the zany recipes that await you in The Unofficial Hocus Pocus Cookbook, by Bridget Thoreson, a marvelously spooky cookbook featuring delicious recipes that recall the cult film classic from 1993.

Stimulate your guests’ appetites with a big platter of Dead Man’s Toes (relax: they’re sausages) or a cauldron of Life Potion Soup, washed down with a flaggard of Burning Rain of Death Punch. Don’t worry if the kiddies are present. All cocktails are non-alcoholic.
The book, which sells for $19.95, is published by Ulysses Press. Peruse the first 11 pages here.
By the way, the author wants to assure readers that no children were harmed in the testing of these recipes.